Monitor & Optimize Your Website’s Carbon Footprint & Performance with SiteBeacon

The ultimate tool for measuring and optimizing your digital carbon footprint and improving user experience

Use SiteBeacon to Enhance Website Performance & Sustainability

With SiteBeacon, monitor your website’s carbon footprint, analyze Google PageSpeed and Core Web Vitals, get performance improvement recommendations, and ensure eco-friendly hosting—all in one platform.

Monitor CO2 Emissions

Track PageSpeed Insights

Analyze Core Web Vitals

Ensure Eco-Friendly Hosting

Device-Specific Emissions Data

Browser-Specific Metrics

Regional Data Filtering

Visualize Environmental Impact

Single dashboard for monitoring digital carbon footprints

Easy to use dashboard that surfaces all the digital carbon footprint insights across various browsers, country, and devices.

Get a holistic view of your websites carbon dioxide emissions.

See digital carbon footprint based on usage across mobiles and desktops.

Get ratings of every page of your website in terms of carbon dioxide emission.

Single dashboard for monitoring digital carbon footprints

Deep down real time carbon footprint analysis of every page

Allows you to monitor carbon footprint and take actionable insights of every pages of your websites

Get a real time view of your every webpage carbon dioxide emissions along with pageviews.

Allows you to filter data in terms of various browsers, country, and devices for every pages.

See your webpages carbon footprint insights over a customizable date range.

Deep down real time carbon footprint analysis of every page

Diagnostics of each URLs along with opportunities for optimization

Dive into PageSpeed Insights the performance of your website's individual URLs and uncover valuable optimization opportunities.

Provides a detailed Google Core web vitals and Lighthouse metrics analysis for each webpage.

Identifies performance bottlenecks to help you improve user experience.

Offers in-depth actionable insights on each page for increasing increase SERP performance.

Diagnostics of each URLs along with opportunities for optimization


Get your first results in just a few minutes

SiteBeacon gives you the data you need on your whole site, enabling you to identify fixes to improve on digital carbon footprints and your web performances easily. Start your journey with x% flat discount.